May 16, 2011

Let's make it personal

1. Have you had any relationships this year? Currently been in a relationship for 4 years and something months now.. made a few new friends this year as well :)
2. Have you had your birthday yet? Not yet. I'm a September baby :)
3. Drank Starbucks? When it's accessible, or when my sister is working ;)
4. Went Camping? Haven't been camping for two years, can't wait for the cottage this summer!
5. Met someone special? Of course :)
6. Been out of country? I wish.. lol
7. What are you thinking about? What I'm gonna wear tonight.. vanity, I know lol
8. How many people have you gotten into a fight with this year? 2 (co-workers)


1. Hugged someone? My Baby :)
2. Slept in someone else’s bed? Yes
3. Got a job? Working two & currently seeking.
4. Loaned out money? Yup
5. Gotten in a car accident? *knocks on wood* nope :)
6. Gone over your mobile phone bill? Not since I joined Virgin. Honestly, unlimited is the way to go :)
7. Been called a bitch? I know I am.
8. Done something you regret? Of course.


1. Last person you hugged? Does my dog count? Chloe lol
2. Last person to call you? Work...
3. When was the last time you felt stupid? @ the vet. the vet said my puppy was underweight... felt stupid for not increasing her food demands.
4. Who did you last yell at? Chloe.. she's nipping like crazy
5. What did you do today?  Wake up, walk chloe, ate brunch, watched extreme home makeover, play with chloe, update my blog :)


1. hair color? Brown/ black
2. Initials? MLPM
3. Best friend? Robert :)
4. Eye color? Dark Brown
5. Height: 5’5”
6. Pet: German shepard/ Husky/ Lab mix named Chloe.. she's almost 12 weeks now :)
7. Mood: calm
8. Where would you rather be? I just want to travel.. but can't at the moment.
9. What was the last thing you drank? water


1. Have you ever been in love? Yes :)
2. Do you believe in love? Yes :)
3. How long was your first relationship? Too long. On and off.
4. Why did your first relationship end? Just two different types of people. Didn't see eye to eye.
5. Have you broken someones heart? Yes
6. Have you ever fallen for your best friend? Yeah.
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them? Yeah. damn those highschool days..
8. Are you afraid of commitment? Used to be.
9. Had more than 5 serious relationships? Nope


1. Are you missing someone right now? always.
2. Are you happy? YUP!
3. Are you eating anything? no
4. Do you like someone right now? Love someone :)
5. If you could have anything, what would it be? LOUIS VUITTON SPEEDY 35 at the blink of an eye lol


1. Who was your first prom date? One of my reallly reallly good old friends ;)
2. Do you still talk to your first love? Nope
3. What was your first alcoholic drink? Smirnoff
4. What was your first job? Bowling alley.. now that i look back.. gross!
5 What was your first car? White 2 door Ford Blazer 1999
6. Who was your first grade teacher? Ms. Brain?
7. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with? LMAO.
8. Who was the first person to text you today? Robert <3
9. Who is the first person you thought of this morning? Chloe, does my dog count?
10. When did you last cry and why? Today watching extreme home makeover... damn these shows get to me.
11. Where was your first sleep over? I don't even remember
12. Who was the first person you talked to today? My work place..
13. Whose wedding were you in the first time? My aunts when I was like 3 or 4 years old. lol
14. What was the first thing you did this morning? check my phone.
15. What was the first concert you ever went to? Never been!!!
16. First tattoo or piercing? both ears pierced when I was a baby. No tats right now.
17. Who was your real first kiss? Hmmm...
18. When was your first detention? detention? my school didn't discipline like that
19. What was the first place you lived in? Ghetto Parkdale area.. don't know the address anymore.
20. Who was the first person to really break your heart? NO comment.

1 comment:

KD said...

Thanks for following my blog, miss! I'll be visiting yours too every so often x