August 27, 2013


I'm at it again! The Instanity program has definitely been one of the biggest reasons as to why I have lost 45lbs to this day. With a goal of 30 lbs to lose I can certainly do it with this program. I've done two rounds of this 60 day program, with big results, but the only problem was my knee. This is the reason I did not continue for my third round. I have a pre-existing knee fracture that did not "align" and so I have inflammation in my right knee from time to time, and often very painful to do workouts with a lot impact exercises. After weeks of just running, going to the gym and doing some weight training, doing some exercises classes and even starting Turbofire the results were just not the same. I have not lost or gained any weight from the time I did Insanity also I don't feel as accomplished as I did with Insanity. Also I found myself cheating with food more often without a steady workout plan. Now, that I'm back from my vacation from Cuba I've decided work harder and "dig deep!" I've made some modifications in my home, where I have laid out old yoga mats to absorb pressure in my exercise area and wearing KT tape to help with the stability of my knee. With day 1 being the fitness test and doing some "power jumps" and a lot of impact moves, the modifications has definitely helped. I'm hopeful and excited for my third round :)

June 14, 2013



Yes, I know. It's been a while...  

For those who have continued to follow my blog, despite my lack of action.. Thank you :)

Going back into this, I really want to commit to this again as I really enjoy using this an outlet to just ramble and share things with the world. 

Any updates?

Well my weight loss has been hitting a plateau, but I'm glad to say that I have not gained any weight. I've been sick the past two weeks, and I'm slowly incorporating any sort of cardio (walking the dog, elipitcal, or even just walking on a hefty incline on the treadmill). I've also tried to start Turbofire, but I got sick shortly after I had just started so that didn't last long. Chalene, the creator of Turbofire makes working out just like dancing, which is nice change from Insanity! I think I've started to hit plateau because I've stopped working out the 6 out of 7 days a week to about 4 times a week, but this really caters better to my schedule and provides me with my sanity for that matter. I know its just an hour or two a day... but when you are working, and going to school and trying to manage some sort of personal life... well you need to give and take a little. 
Also, I'm still in school until August, and with summer slowly approaching and the weather just perfect outside, it feels impossible to get work done. Thank goodness it's midterms... then just a couple more weeks until finals... then my full 1 month break with the sun in my face, a drink in my hand, and the white sandy beach beneath my feet! 

My friends & I (myself on the far right) before a Bowka class!
